Climate-related Financial Reporting

As one of the world’s largest financial institutions, we are committed to communicating to our stakeholders about climate-related risks and opportunities, and how we are managing these within our business.

Our reporting outlines how we are working to realize our enterprise climate strategy while managing climate-related risks and opportunities. We outline the goals and priorities we set, actions taken and resources allocated to achieve these goals, and metrics and targets we track to monitor progress.

Our climate reporting has evolved, following guidance from leading external frameworks. We began our reporting in 2003 under CDP and were an early supporter of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) recommendations, publishing our first TCFD report in 2020. We also helped to launch the Stakeholder Capitalism Metrics developed by the International Business Council (IBC) of the World Economic Forum, which are included in our Annual Report. We now work to align our reporting to the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), which incorporate the recommendations of the TCFD.

We will continue to enhance our climate-related reporting as voluntary and regulatory reporting frameworks evolve, and as we respond to shareholder and other stakeholder feedback.

See our previous TCFD Reports:

2022 TCFD Report
2020 TCFD Report